uzin@mo = art + food + kulture + muzik + fiction + états d’âmes + karnet + exploration des sens + erotika + littérature de l'étonnement + inspiration + chronique

Monday, October 23, 2017


bright shooting star in the sky of our bland monotonous writings ]

wordz by alfred balcon

flesh feeds on flesh
evil lurks in the mind of the weak
flesh on flesh
as part of a karnivorous danse macabre

body to body
in the dead end of your saturated heart
mind to mind
in the cemetery of our lost souls


Muzik pairing :

Crapage - Front 242


Sunday, October 22, 2017

Fricassée de futilités no.40

vu : IT le remake du film à propos du classik de Stephen King. J'ai beaucoup aimé et je vais en parler dans un prochain Bouillon de kulture...

nettoyé : ma piscine ce week-end. Demain = fermeture de fin de saison. Fuck, l'hiver s'en vient en chien...So sad!

pleuré : à chaudes larmes ces derniers jours. Le mois d'octobre est difficle (la mort est un long fleuve de deuils) - le 12 octobre c'était le 60e anniversaire de mes parents et aujourd'hui est la fête de papa qui aurait eu 85 ans...Ma mère est si forte à travers toutes ces épreuves...

décidé : que le mois de novembre serait Revival month sur uzinamo. Too much to write too little time...Dieu sait ce qui peut nous arriver...

started : reading Zen in the art of Writing by my all-time favorite author Ray Bradbury. I read it once a year to get inspired for all my writing/publishing (novels) projects...

got : my hands on all three poetry books my the amazing poet/author Jennae Cecelia. So much talent! So happy!


Muzik pairing :

Learning to Fly - Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers


Sunday, October 15, 2017


life passes us by like a TGV / and we, as humans, have a right 2 either let it pass in front of our eyes or get on board & let it take us 2 breathtaking places...

now, as for me, when it comes 2 my writing life, circumstances (of life) out of my control, have made me miss getting on that beautiful high-speed engine more often than not / but no more /  no more
i say / life is 2 short / life was meant 2 b lived to the fullest / life is a fucking WORD / and i will think it / write it / cherish it / correct it / erase it / but most of all PUBLISH it...

november will b a month of REVIVAL...
my wordz need to grow wings & fly...
must they resonate in the echo of my consciousness...
must they be planted & grow in the garden of litterature...
must they live 4ever...


Muzik pairing :

Any Miles Davis song...
