uzin@mo = art + food + kulture + muzik + fiction + états d’âmes + karnet + exploration des sens + erotika + littérature de l'étonnement + inspiration + chronique

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Daily Diary / Fuck U Covid-19 / DD2

day 2 of this new blog-ô-thon... feels great, brother.

feels great to b alive and healthy.

we take it for granted u know.

health, shelter, food, home, love, etc.

i know that this fucking pandemik sucks, but as we r presently quarantined and healthy / that is already more than what a lot of people r presently experimenting on earth. let's think about all the people infected...close to 1.5 million globally. let's think about places like Syria, for example, where they do not have at all the medical stuff to fight this disease...

and since we will not be able to go to church next Sunday for Easter, let's pray more than ever, for our loved ones, as well as for those whom we should love much much more.

Amen and God bless.

c u tomorrow...


Muzik pairing :

What We Do - Devo



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