uzin@mo = art + food + kulture + muzik + fiction + états d’âmes + karnet + exploration des sens + erotika + littérature de l'étonnement + inspiration + chronique

Friday, November 22, 2013


the blood runs through my veins like a roller coaster
in my lonely room i look at the skin-made wall
in the mirror i see myself as a big fucking red spicy tomato ready to explode
i smell misery a mile away
like a frog on a bicycle i travel through deserts of toxic wastes
my hands are burning and my brain is leaking
like an open book u reveal yourself to me
i now feel like an animal
u are my frankenstein
my cemetery, my savior
illusion is my religion
god is my needle

wordz : alfred balcon


Muzik pairing :

Broken - Nine Inch Nails



  • Your vivid imagination and it's perversity at it's best,coupled with your ability to put down your thoughts and ideas into words, always makes this a unique and sweet experience.
    And just like that, without any struggles or reservations, you spin a web of entrapment to draw in your mortal audience. May your pen stay true and strong mon ami, as we patiently await for your next chapters.


    By Anonymous DV, At November 22, 2013 2:33 AM  

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