uzin@mo = art + food + kulture + muzik + fiction + états d’âmes + karnet + exploration des sens + erotika + littérature de l'étonnement + inspiration + chronique

Monday, July 20, 2020

Daily Diary / Fuck U Covid-19 / DD106


i just saw on this so very very special edition (vinyl) of the Hotel 2 (ambient) album by Moby.

Would luv 2 add this 2 my kollection...

Disk 1
1. Swear
2. Snowball
3. Blue Paper
Disk 2
1. Homeward Angel (Long Version)
2. Chord Sounds
3. Not Sensitive
Disk 3
1. Lilly
2. May 04 Two
3. The Come Down
Disk 4
1. Overland
2. Live Forever
3. Aerial
Disk 5
1. Spaired (Long)
2. Live Forever (Long)


Muzik pairing:

Animal Rights - Moby



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